SoleilWell XL Red Light Therapy Mat Use Instructions
Begin by placing your mat in a cool ventilated area for 1-2 days to off gas the neoprene odor if your are sensitive.
Charge the remote with the included charging cord
Choose a large comfortable area to lay out your mat
Attach the adapter to the top and bottom mats
Secure the power cord to the adapter and plug into the nearest outlet
Operating Instructions:
Wear little to no clothing when using your mat.. You can overlay the top mat like a blanket or adjust the straps to tighten
Using the remote control, choose your settings
Turn on your mat, top indicator lights will show:
LED: RED INFRA, all wavelengths are on, this is the recommended setting for treatment. You can choose to use all, only red, only NIR
Timer: Toggle through the desired treatment time, 30 minutes is recommended. The mat will shut off when time has been reached
Pulse: Please use caution when activating pulse modes Pulsed light may cause epileptic seizures and/or headaches in those that are sensitive. 10 hz pulsed light has been shown in research to induce alpha wave states which is very relaxing. You can choose to skip this mode and keep the mat operating on continuous wave light
Power: Toggle to 100% (recommended).
50% for children between the ages of 5-12
25% for 1-5 yr old