The torch is very easy to use. First determine if your condition is acute or chronic and use accordingly.  Acute is sudden onset of pain or sickness due to injury or illness.  Use the torch generously for acute injuries, there is no risk of overuse when used on the body (i.e. ankle, knee, wrist etc). Chronic is a nagging injury that continues to remind you it's there and causes you sustained pain over long periods. 

For most applications it is recommended to use on the 1st setting, utilizing all wavelengths available. Place it directly on the area you wish to treat and press the on button, the torch will shut off after a 3 minute timed dose. For children, please lower the dose time to 1 minute.

Please use caution and do not use on the head, close to or on the the eyes or directly on the heart. It is advisable to wear the protective glasses when using.


To relieve pain, improve blood flow, increase healing. Great for wounds, sprains, strains, burns

Use on any body part

Multiple points of contact

1st setting (all wavelengths) for 3 mins

1-3x's per day for acute or chronic conditions.


INTRANASAL: To improve cognition, mental acuity and boost mood. This can be done 2x's a day, recommended at sunrise and sunset. Please note that sinus conditions are better treated using the face of the torch on the cheek, directly over the maxillary sinus on the 1st setting.

1 nostril per treatment 

3rd setting using the 810nm NIR only. This lowers the dose of light, intranasal requires much less light due to less dense tissue to penetrate. Studies using intranasal light show 810nm to be the most effective for the brain,

1-2x's per day


INTRAORAL: Used for tooth, gum and oral trauma or lesions. Can also be used on the tonsils to decrease inflammation.

For gingival inflammation and general oral health place the tip directly on the tooth or tissue, walking along gingiva. 

1st setting (all wavelengths) 3 mins for top and another for bottom arch

1-3x's per day depending on condition acute/chronic


SKIN: Glide the domed lens over face/neck to boost collagen, improve skin appearance and texture, decrease fine lines and increase hydration. Be sure to keep the torch away from the eyes, as the power and intensity of the light can be too much for this area. It can be used along the forehead and inbetween the eyebrows to treat fine lines.  For blemishes the domed lens or tip can be used at the 1st setting for the full 3 mins to treat an acute breakout.

Use domed lens, gliding over the entire face, keeping the torch moving across all areas

1st setting 3 mins

1-2x's daily


LYMPH The torch is a great tool to increase lymphatic drainage.  Glide the domed lens over the lymph node and moving in the direction of the drainage pathway. This can be done continuously in one are for the full 3 mins and moving to the next lymph node and pathway.This can be done daily in conjunction with dry brushing